Saturday, 8 November 2008

♥ SMPN 1

I think that SMPN 1 is the BEST school in Bali! wait,,in INDONESIA!

do you know why??

because..This school has the most talented students you could find on this planet. Other than the students, it is also filled with the most disiplin teachers in Bali. It can be prooved by seeing all the students there wearing their socks 1 hand span above their ankle feet and the students here are also well teached by the teachers. Honestly, first I didn't actually want to go to SMPN1, because I though I wasn't tough enough and that I wouldn't actually cope on the lessons; but it turned out that I was wrong. I actually like going to this this school. Because of not only the teachers here, but because of my friends! But other than the positive stuff, this school also has the negative parts.! Like you know, students already smoking under there age, students doing "stuff" that they shouldn't do and maybe a lot more. But those things don't really affect the school's name. I still love this school and I hope SPMN 1 will still be THE BEST SCHOOL!!

well that's all i have to say about SMPN 1..
please comment..

c U!!


It's me! said...

Gilla km..!!
Kuq km brn sich pk bhs tuw utk tgs sklh..!!??

It's me! said...


Skrg background-na udh juauhhh lebih bgs..!!!

Ini udh jauhh lebih spoan,kuq...

Q suka, dehh (^_^)

Qjg udh vote k km..